News Update
The process of producing toys is an exciting one, but it is also one filled with numerous steps along the way. From the time we first solicit figures for preorder until the moment they arrive in fans’ hands, there are many key milestones that need to be met in order to deliver according to schedule. If any one of those milestones are missed due to complications, the overall timeline is jeopardized and adjustments need to be made. At Four Horsemen Studios, we do our best to manage these adjustments and stay on schedule, but sometimes it is out of our hands and delays happen. What we can do in these instances is be transparent with the changes needed so our fans know what is happening. To that end, we have some schedule adjustments to announce today – one which is a bummer, and one which we expect fans will be happy to hear.
Let’s start with the bad news – Cosmic Legions: Hvalkatar, Book 1 will be delayed. Our hope was to have these in hand near the end of 2022, but with all the new tooling this inaugural wave of the line required, we hit some delays in order to ensure the final product met our specifications. We pushed to try to get these to ship prior to Chinese New Year (which begins in mid-January), but after careful review with our factories, we realized that would not happen.
The current plan is that Cosmic Legions Wave 1 will finish production shortly after Chinese New Year, which means it should be shipping to our warehouse around April. It takes anywhere from 4-8 weeks to arrive from China. This means that we are now looking at May/June to begin shipping these first Cosmic Legions pieces to fans. We know this is not the news anyone wanted to hear, but we also know fans would rather wait a extra few months and have these figures be the best that they can be rather us rush production and deliver an inferior product.
OK, so onto the good news. Since the delay with Cosmic was in tooling, that meant our production team had a small opening in their schedule. To keep things rolling, we decided to fill that gap by moving Mythic Legions: All Stars 5 up in the schedule! Since that wave includes no new tooling, it was a great opportunity for us to get those items made a bit sooner than originally planned. Currently, we are scheduled to have All Stars 5 finished and on the way to us right before Chinese New Year in mid-January. That means we should have them in the warehouse around the start of March and we will be able to begin shipping preorders for that wave shortly after.
Originally, All Stars 5 was listed as shipping in Q3 2023, so with this move it should be shipping in Q1, or approx. 4-5 months earlier than expected.
In terms of other waves – the long awaited “Mythic Legions Tactics: War of the Aetherblade” figures have finished production. The Deluxe packs (Orcs and Elves) are finished and the Gorgo vs. Attlia 2-packs will also be on the way from the factory prior to Chinese New Year.
One note on these figures - since they were part of the campaign for the video game, the team from Great Hall Games Studio will be handling all fulfillment for these figure rewards. Look for an additional update on the timeline for shipping of these figures to be sent soon by Great Hall Games Studio.
As for Mythic Legions: Poxxus and Cosmic Legions: Hvalkatar, Book Two – Gravenight, both of these waves are in the stages of pre-production, which means tooling / test shots / paint samples, etc. These waves are both still too early stage for us to determine a solid timeline for completion, but both are progressing and we will have updates on them as we get further in 2023 and closer to finalization on these waves.
As always, thank you to all our fans for their support and for their patience. We are toy fans ourselves, so we get wanting to have these preordered items in hand, and we are working hard to deliver the best items we can to you. Sometimes that takes a little longer than we’d like, but we know the wait will be worth it!
- Cosmic Legions 1 pushed back to May/June 2023
- Mythic Legions: All Stars 5+ moved up to end of Q1 2023
- Mythic Legions Tactics figures shipping near end of Q1 2023
- Mythic Legions Poxxus and Cosmic Legions: Gravenight in pre-production, too early to establish firm dates
Published on 12.29.22 at;